We are on worldwide!
We arrange Shrimad Rajchandra V.’s Atma sidhdhi Parayana Anant Anant Bhav , Hey Prabhu ,Hey prabhu ( 20 Dohra ), Yam Niyam Sanyam, Kshamapana , Letter of six Padas ,Mala of three Mantras ,Apurva Avasar and Mul Marag every Sunday.About 527 youth take part in this program from shrimad Rajchandra Yuva satsang Kendra Idar District Sabarkantha. To learn development mutually from people, replicate and help them for self-development.

Our aims
The social objective of providing employment in rural areas; l The economic objective of producing saleable articles; and The wider objective of creating self reliance amongst people and building up a strong rural community spirit. To promote the sale and marketing of khadi or products of village industries or handicrafts and for this purpose to forge links with established marketing agencies wherever necessary and feasible; to encourage and promote research “To carve a niche in creating congenial environment at the workplace to enhance creativity and efficiency worldwide for betterment of human life.” social work is a practice-based profession and an academic discipline that promotes social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people. Principles of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility and respect for diversities are central to social work.
believes in a society free of extreme poverty and discriminations on basis of caste, color, creed, sex or economic status, a society offering decent standard of living to all its members and opportunities to grow as per his or her choices, a society taking utter care of its natural resources and establishes equal rights of all on those resources with due knowledge of its responsibilities to preserve them. The Mission avowal arresting the need of a social individual and benefiting them with an action attached with burning desire of the organization for human welfare to sustain and active the vision.
To enhance the conditions of the underprivileged tribal and women through maintenance and development of natural resources and make them self sufficient in the atmosphere they stay and work out success with their efforts and government support.

How we work
We Keep Working Until the Work Gets Done
The objectives are lead down for achieving it with the planned activities and continual efforts. The Shrimad Rajchandra Yuva satang Kendra, has calendared the activities for the achievement the objectives.
Working for the tribal reaching the grass root level people for better work impact and response.
Discuss About
The concept of social work and social enlistment is not a new notion it has been in progress from the very existence of mother earth.
Create Prototype
Kings and Queens did the welfare for their Praia with the concept of wellbeing.
Complete Project
At each stage of human history we find the concept of social work has contributed in the welfare of the human race.