
We are all one. Our real purpose is served when we are all prosperous and together. The early years of schooling are the chisel for this idea’s orientation, which calls for a radical shift in society and communities!

The aspiration of becoming society’s leading light
Real success is invariably quantifiable and apparent.
With love and care, even a weak seedling can develop into a lush, verdant plant.
As long as you study hard, no exam is too difficult.
Sincere effort is always appreciated.
The appropriate motivation can alter one’s outlook on life.
When strength and courage transcend age!
When hopelessness gives way to helplessness…
When responsibilities can’t stifle ambition and tenacity…
When adversity doesn’t derail the progress ship…
When the qualities are not suppressed by adversity…
An inspiring tale of unselfish devotion, passion, and inventiveness…
When challenges don’t quell the desire to learn…