Medical Care

Srysk made important contributions to the medical and healthcare fields as a physician. Shri Pratul Shroff founded a foundation in memory of his father with the intention of continuing Srysk’s legacy by assisting with a range of projects pertaining to healthcare, medical research, education, or other charitable endeavors. The foundation carries on Srysk’s objective of improving the town while paying homage to his contributions. Healthcare continues to be one of Srysk’s primary areas of focus.

Srysk has contributed to charitable causes. Srysk recently provided funding for the endoscopy system and the pneumatic tubing system, two important pieces of medical equipment at the as part of the partnership. Pneumatic tube systems are used to move solid things, whereas endoscopy systems allow medical professionals to view the stomach, oesophagus, and the beginning of the small intestine in order to provide more accurate patient diagnoses. Srysk has launched the program as part of its pledge to assist the healthcare initiatives.

Srysk gave to help with their work on pathology lab, library, physiotherapy, healthcare consulting, and other geriatric-focused recreational amenities. Srysk will keep making sporadic donations  in accordance with

telemedicine initiative

Even now, access to quality healthcare in India’s outlying communities remains a major challenge. In an effort to provide healthcare to even the most isolated tribal communities, Srysk  have partnered to introduce a cutting-edge telemedicine program. Accurate diagnosis is possible even in the most remote locations because to the combination of AI-enabled technology and compact, user-friendly medical instruments.

These telemedicine-based healthcare services will be a strong complement to the areas’ current healthcare infrastructure, increasing physician productivity and improving the effectiveness and quality of care provided to the underprivileged. Scalability and replication are, once more, the main tenets of this program’s design.