Religious, Spiritual , Social , Economical, Public Awareness 

Social Development


encourage healthcare


social integration

To assist in the process of social integration and personal realization of underprivileged children, young people, adults and families

public awareness

To organize and conduct programmes on health, education and sanitation; create public awareness to control population and to prevent epidemics and to arrange for basic facilities

Trusted Clients
Case Studies
16. +
Total Beneficiaries
99. %
Success Rate

The social objective of providing employment in rural areas

To encourage and popularize voluntary work

Our work aims to break the vicious cycle of poverty and social
isolation and to restore hope for a better future. We believe that
every person has the right to access resources and opportunities in
order to live and develop with dignity and to become an active and
contributing member of our society.

Here is a list of spiritual activities for self-care that everyone can begin today:

1. Contemplation

“Contemplation involves thinking continuously about something, studying and musing over it, usually something worthwhile and important, pertaining to life and meaning. When this kind of reflective activity goes very deep, when a person becomes still and highly focused as they ponder, the ego dissolves temporarily and contemplation becomes increasingly like meditation. Solutions to life’s problems sometimes appear spontaneously at such times.”

2. Spending time in nature

Spending time with nature is one of the best spiritual activities for self-care that we can do to help us achieve optimal well-being. A study shows that spending time in nature dramatically reduces stress and is also anti-inflammatory.
For many people, once they awaken or have any kind of significant spiritual shift, there is often a drive towards being in nature more.

3. Non-judgement

“Judgment robs us of the ability to hear our inner guide. It is a way of conforming to what is commonly accepted, making it more likely that we ourselves will fit in and be accepted, or in essence, loved. The fear of not being loved and accepted can lead us to shun and reject others in an attempt to ensure that we are not shunned and rejected. By living life in this way, we are submitting to the ebb and flow of the consensus rather than living with a conscious intention for what we want our lives to be.”

4. Regular acts of compassion

“When we are kind, no matter how small our acts of kindness are, we experience kindness coming back to us from the whole existence. When we are kind, we feel our soul opening, expanding and embracing the world. In this state of being, we feel transformed, as well as that we can help transform the world. By performing acts of kindness, we influence others to be kind too, and this produces an endless chain of effects, a circle of kindness.”

5. Reading an uplifting book

“Deep reading is a distinctive cognitive activity that contributes to our ability to empathize with others. It, therefore, can, in fact, make us smarter and nicer, among other things.”

6. Silence

“It is easy to fill our minds and days from when we wake up until we go to bed. Usually, most of our doings are pre-planned. The problem with this is that we need space and silence to create an opening for inspiration, for guidance and for something new to happen. The silence gives space for the universe to provide in extraordinary ways that we could not have imagined.” via My Simple Daily Spiritual Practices

7. Letting go

“The call to let go lies at the core of humanity’s many spiritual traditions. Non-attachment to outcomes, surrendering desires, accepting the present, opening to the guidance of a higher power, relinquishing the ego, forgiveness—they all entail a letting go.

8. Prayer

“Prayers are very powerful. Our prayers are one of our natural healing resources each one of us can use today, any time of the day. The medicine of prayer is a good way to maintain good health.”

“Prayers usually offer praise, thanks, make a request, or simply express one’s thoughts and emotions to help us be in harmony, balance, and peace. It can be done in many ways.”

9. Yoga, T’ai Chi, and similar disciplined practices

“There are five types of yoga, each representing a major path of spiritual development. In western society, hatha yoga especially (physical exercises and postures), also t’ai chi and martial arts like judo, karate and taekwondo are increasingly popular. These martial skills combine exercise and the sport of combat techniques with a philosophy emphasizing meditation and self-defense. These practices are therefore both disciplined and devotional.”

10. Chanting

“Chanting helps quiet the mind. While chant may or may not be appreciated by those listening for musical sophistication or high-performance quality, countless people are today chanting and listening to chant for its profound effect on our consciousness.

The repetitive sounds of chant vibrate in our brain, again and again, washing our minds, our own inner wavelengths gradually coming into resonance with the tone and feeling of the musical prayer.

Not only is chanting a form of meditation in itself, but chant is also an extremely useful adjunct to other spiritual practices. Because of its powerful ability to calm the mind, chanting can serve as a helpful bridge between our busy lives of work, kids, errands, telephones, etc. and deeper states of meditation.”

What Our Beneficiaries Say


When a woman is a sarpanch, the basic problems relating to the health of women and children are addressed.
Sima Shah
An old tribal woman from Gujarat, Munjal Parmari, struggled to make ends meet as a farmer. That was until her zeal to be successful
Munjal Parmar
Minakumari, grew up in Rural village, Block, Gujarat. The villagers are deeply entrenched in gender stereotypes

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