Social Enterprise

We support the improvement of communities by enabling people to become independent members of society. Our mission is to motivate individuals to take up entrepreneurship and generate jobs in their local areas. It is imperative that social sector difficulties are addressed, and our goal is to inspire visionary individuals to take on these challenges and promote constructive change. To achieve these goals, Srysk is actively involved in two social entrepreneurship initiatives: We offer financial support to nomadic families as part of the Swavlamban Initiative with VSSM in order to alleviate the difficulties they have in obtaining a respectable living. We provide interest-free loans through the program to individuals and families from nomadic communities who are keen to start their own profitable businesses.

This program is designed to help people resurrect their traditional careers, establish a habit of saving money every month, free them from the debt of private money lenders, and become self-sufficient. Over 1450 people have received loans totaling more than 5 crore in the past two years. Through this effort, the foundation hopes to rescue roughly 1,500 families annually from either a financial trap or from being dependent on several support systems for their survival. In order to develop the next generation of developmental social entrepreneurs—who successfully launch small companies in rural communities—we have also partnered with The Buddha Institute. Their businesses will bring in significant employment to rural areas.

According to our estimates, every development entrepreneur will benefit five to ten thousand rural families by way of employment. As a result, these programs will create jobs, self-sufficiency, and regenerative ecosystems at the local level. Srysk has promised to provide seed money to help these business owners. These up-and-coming change-makers will get critical seed money through the kind donation to launch their creative ventures. Most significantly, the Foundation will provide these business owners with the skills of contemporary management to help them grow and succeed by methodically addressing human behavior, accounting, finance, and marketing & sales. It will mentor them to grow their company to the fullest extent possible, benefiting the greatest number of rural community families.

Our joint objective with Buddha Institute is to support the growth of 125 Developmental Social Entrepreneurs by 2025, and to increase our influence even further by supporting 1000 Developmental Social Entrepreneurs by 2028. We hope that these initiatives will improve the lives of five million households and create one million employment. To sum up, our dedication to social entrepreneurship and community upliftment highlights the transformational potential of enabling people to be independent contributors. The Srysk is actively striving to create a positive ripple effect that not only solves current concerns but also creates the groundwork for long-lasting and significant change through smart alliances and focused projects. Our future vision is centered on the flourishing of empowered communities