Character Development

Character ultimately determines the course of both an individual’s and a nation’s life.

Teaching kids the value of “doing the greater good” is the main goal of character development, since it enables them to see the value of their actions not only for themselves but also for society at large. We teach children “life lessons training” using a variety of engaging approaches, such as inspirational films and enjoyable learning exercises, with the goal that they will not only learn but also apply the teachings to their own lives.

Courses for Teacher Education The objective of our ground-breaking workshop, “The Philosophy, Art & Science of Living, Loving & Learning,” is to empower and transform teachers via introspection, self-improvement, self-purification, and self-development. These teachers will then serve as role models for children and young people, helping to shape them into dynamic, engaged citizens of India.

Camps for Life and Leadership Development (for grades 7 and up)We include topics relevant to everyday living in our three-day residential or non-residential life camps. Using a unique curriculum and highly interactive modules and processes, we introduce life principles and values in a way that makes it fun for students to share, learn, and discover who they are.

Camps Oasis Dream India  Over the course of the seven to eight day residential camp, we educate kids how to be responsible citizens in a completely free atmosphere. They learn how to solve their own difficulties creatively in addition to learning how to live in a community. Above all, kids learn how to be content.
Village-level socioeconomic development and school developmentWe set up forums where different parties may convene, garner support, and motivate parents and kids to stick with their education rather than abandon it. We also engage in a variety of school-based development initiatives to uncover the kids’ latent talents.