Refund and cancellation policy

Srysk will review each donation refund request and make every effort to process the reimbursement. Additionally, Srysk has the right to request more information or documentation, so the donor must cooperate.

Srysk, however, is not required to reimburse donors and retains the right to reject any such claims, especially in the event that a tax exemption certificate has been granted.

With the increasing frequency of digital payments, Srysk is implementing a donation refund policy to guarantee equitable and transparent handling of requests for reimbursement of donations. Srysk anticipates that every contributor will give with caution and consideration. Srysk acknowledges that mistakes might happen when making a donation and that contributors occasionally have second thoughts.

In order to receive a reimbursement regarding your donation to Srysk, you must reach out to Srysk in writing or by email. Your request must be received by Srysk within a period of fifteen days of the date that you rendered the donation, which can be obtained in one of the following ways: by mail, online, or through a different one method; by handing over a cheque or demand draft to Srysk or a person authorised by Srysk for this purpose; or by another method.

The written request with the explanation for the refund must be addressed to the address listed below and include all of the following donation-related information:

Amount of donation

If a donation was made by cheque or draft, be sure to include the cheque information.

For the unlikely scenario where a credit card contribution was made, please include the credit card number (only the last four digits).

Please include the Donation-ID if the donation was made online.

Welcome to the Srysk the website itself. We thus announce our payment gateway policy on refunds and cancellations of donations made for charitable purposes.

Any donor who makes an online donation through an online payment gateway will not be eligible for a refund or to cancel their donation.

Cash or money refunds are not permitted.

Should the donor receive any in-kind support from any location, the materials will be distributed to the underprivileged areas.
A donation made for a cause cannot be returned to the giver after it has been received. There is nothing to cancel. The donation will go towards women’s empowerment, children’s education, medical needs, and community development.


Data Preservation

Unless a longer retention time is mandated by law or regulations, we aim to retain Personal Information for as long as necessary to achieve the objectives outlined in this Privacy Policy.


Additional Disclosures

When necessary to uphold our terms of service, safeguard donors, users, property, safety, or our rights, we may divulge information as mandated by law.