Conditions & Terms

Srysk grants users access to the website, subject to the following terms and conditions:

You acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions by using this website. They work right away after your initial visit.

Your continued use of this website signifies your agreement to any changes Srysk may make to these terms and conditions at any time.

Srysk has the right to modify the website’s content at any moment.

Srysk has made every effort to ensure that, at the time of presentation, the data provided on this website was accurate and compliant with the law. If you think any of our pages contain incorrect information, please send us an email at contactus(@)

By using this website, you agree that Srysk disclaims all liability for any damage or loss of any kind, especially physical harm. Srysk does its hardest to ensure that this website’s content does not spread viruses or other malware, nevertheless this cannot be ensured. Before downloading data and files, we encourage you to safeguard your IT hardware. Srysk disclaims all responsibility for any harm brought on by viruses.

We do not always agree with or support the opinions or information found on any websites that we link to. For harm resulting from viruses or malware on websites to which we have provided links, we disclaim all liability.

Before using any of our logos or other branded materials, please get permission. If it is not in our best interests, we reserve the right to demand that our logo be taken down from printed materials or websites.

We offer our downloadable documents, brochures, and webpages for your convenience. You are free to print or copy the content for personal use, including educational purposes. Without Srysk express written approval, you are not permitted to change the content or use it for profit.

The photographs and images used on this website are either the property of Srysk or other owners of copyright. The copyright owner or Srysk must provide written approval before any part of the may be duplicated or utilised.

In the event that these terms and conditions and regulations or particular terms of use pertaining to particular material conflict, the latter will take precedence.